
Experience with real-world data, however, soon convinces one that both stationarity and Gaussianity are fairy tales invented for the amusement of undergraduates.
David Thomson

#Convolution - Cross-correlation - Auto-correlation

from IPython.display import Image

#Convolution - an operation on a Linear and Time Invariant system involving a given input signal and the impulse response.

#Cross-correlation - a measure of cross-similarity as a function of delay $\tau$

#Auto-correlation - a measure of self-similarity as a function of delay $\tau$

Recall: A convolution, $(h \ast x)(t)$, is a mathematical operator which manipulates two functions $x$ and $h$ and produces an output that represents the amount of overlap between $x$ and a reversed and translated version of $h$.


Thus, the only difference between cross-correlation and convolution is a time reversal on one of the inputs in convolution.

1. Cross-correlation , $(f \ast g)(t)$, produces a similarity measure that represents the amount of overlap between $f$ and a translated version of $g$.

(a) For finite duration waveform:

if $f(t)$ exists in the interval $T_1 < t < T_2$

(b) For infinite duration waveforms:

2. Autocorrelation refers to the correlation of a signal with its own past and future values.

(a) For finite duration waveform:

if $f(t)$ exists in the interval $T_1 < t < T_2$

(b) For infinite duration waveform:

(c) For a periodic waveform:

for an arbitrary $t_0$.


1. Find the autocorrelation function of the square pulse of amplitude a and duration T as shown below.



(a) Finite duration waveform:

where $f(t)$ exists in the interval $0 \le t \le T$

The autocorrelation function is developed graphically below:



Case 1: Leading Edge Overlap

where $f(t) = a$ exists in the interval $0 < t < T- \left \tau \right $

Case 2: Full Overlap

Case 3: Trailing Edge Overlap

where $f(t) = a$ exists in the interval $T-\left \tau \right < t < T $

Thus, the autocorrelation is



[1.] MIT OpenCourseWare.
Written on April 7, 2015