libdeep xor
Here is a simple and portable deep learning C library libdeep by Bob Mottram.
To get a general feel of this library, lets try its xor example
Simply run make
`gcc -Wall -ansi -pedantic -o xor xor.c -ldeep -lm -fopenmp`
Run the executable for training the xor network
The data are as follows
After a few seconds it will finish the training with the following output
Loading data set
Number of training examples: 22
Number of labeled training examples: 22
Number of test examples: 6
Number of Inputs: 64
Training Completed
Test data set performance is 99.9%
And it will produce the xor networks both in C and Python:
C xor Network
Python xor Network
Testing the C Network
./export_xor zero zero
./export_xor zero one
./export_xor one zero
./export_xor one one
Written on April 18, 2015